The American River Grange No. 172 is the oldest Grange in Sacramento County. At one time there were as many as ten Granges in and around the Sacramento area. Currently three Granges remain active within Sacramento County; American River Grange No. 172, Orangevale Grange No. 354, and Rio Linda Grange No. 403.
American River Grange was organized in March 1874, and was first chartered on 24 April 1874 and has been in continuous service ever since. The original meeting place was Fifteen Mile House, a Pony Express stop just East of Sacramento, Ca. Fifteen Mile House was located off what is now White Rock Road near the Costco in Rancho Cordova, CA.

Eight years after the Grange formed they received a property donation under the condition they erect a building within 30 days. They managed to purchase the required lumber and plans for the hall. Calling all members and friends to aid in the construction, the hall was built in barn raising fashion. The building remains standing today although it has seen more than a few changes over the years; the addition of electricity, running water, and restrooms are the most significant.
The American River Grange is one of many active grange organizations throughout California and the US.
For more information on some of our fellow grange organizations, please visit the following links:
Here’s a small PBS spot on the National Grange: